Woud it be cool, Just a suggestion

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Woud it be cool, Just a suggestion

Post by Sireal »

If something like Demon Mantra was an online game
U could reallly pull in the crowd

Something like that would be so cool :D
Posts: 357
Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2003
Location: California, USA

Post by Issa »

I was thinking of making an MMORPG but they are VERY hard, especially with one person. Right now I doubt it will happen but its still on my ideas list. Who knows, maybe someday it will be a reality but programming games is hard now when you gotta work and do other stuff. Programming has went way down my priority list!
Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction.

 --Ronald Reagan

Post by Sireal »

If u may make one possible, post it, I would like to help if possible

Post by tjhombreh »

Yeah, if you ever consider making an MMORPG, you could implant stuff from your different games. Like, you could meet RYU and everyone from the Demons' Mantra games, and go catch/kill chickens out in the forest somewheres. Yada Yada etc. etc.
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